Monday, March 16, 2015

Emery's 4th Month

Eats:  Every 4 hours, about 6 ounces...a mix of formula and breastmilk.  Still working on finding a balance that helps you gain weight consistently.  Luckily, you seem satisfied and happy--just a petite girl! 

Sleeps:  adorably!  You snooze with your sweet hands behind your head and rub your head to get to sleep.  It's precious!  You take 3 naps a day...about 2 hours for the first 2, and a catnap in the evenings.  Nighttime is another story.  You're up several (like 5 or 6 sometimes) times and need help settling back to sleep.  This makes for some sleepy parents!  

Wears: 3-6 month clothes, size 1 diapers, socks that never stay on your skinny feet 

Likes: watching everything!  You sit straight up in our laps so you can see everything, but your favorite is still brother.  I think you can't wait until you can play with him.  

Dislikes: being started to really notice this recently.  You'll fuss if you can't see someone, and sometimes if you can see us but we're not looking at you.  Princess needs attention! 

Milestones this month:
- your first snow (you don't like the cold, but you do like snow days when mommy is home!)
- more shots (yuck!)
- your first cold 
- your first laughs (when mommy tickled your ribs) 
- your first Valentine's Day (you made Daddy a card with your footprints) 

 Emme Kate,

You add so much fullness to our home, our lives, our family.  I know that we have so many fun times ahead.  As a matter of fact, I have to catch myself wishing away time, as I'm so excited to see you play with brother, to hear your first words, to see your little personality grow.  But I don't want to miss this time, either.  These moments are precious--when I get to snuggle you as you have midnight snacks, and you're not yet anxious to get off my lap and play.  I want to hide these moments in my heart, because I know they'll be gone too soon.   I thank God that we get to be your parents, and we love you so much! 

Love, Mommy

Emery's 3rd Month

Eats: every 3 hours...still trying to pack on some pounds, we added a formula bottle.  We're trying hard to keep you on mommy-milk, though! 

Sleeps: takes 4 naps a day, and wakes about twice in the night

Wears: 3 month clothes, size 1 diapers

Likes: watching brother, sitting up in someone's lap, snuggling 

Dislikes: being alone, hungry or tired...overall you're really happy!  

- moving to your own room!  You still need to be cacooned in blankets, though 
- your first days at the sitters (you did great!)

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Emery is 2 months old

All about Emery's second month

Eats:  every 3 hours, mostly nursing, one bottle (or so) a day

Sleeps: best in the rock and play...down to only waking twice a night

Wears: 0-3 month clothes, size 1 diapers, lots of hairbows 

Likes: watching brother, being cuddled, turning your head from side to side to look all around, being "worn" in the ergo or moby wrap, Christmas lights

Dislikes: being over-tired, tummy time, sleeping flat on your back 

Milestones this month:
- 2 month check up (and shots--yuck!).  You aren't gaining weight as quickly as they would like (you were 9 lb, 4 oz on December 30th...about the 15th percentile) so we are adding a milk fortifier to your bottles
- first smiles ( sweet!) and coos
- first Christmas
- photos with Santa

Dear Emme, 

This month has been so fun--making special Christmas memories with our families.  You added so much sweetness to our Holidays!  We can tell already that you are going to have a special relationship with your brother.  He loves you so much (sometimes a little too much...he likes to get in your face) and we know you love him too.  You love to watch him play.  This month you've gotten more interactive, smiling and cooing at us.  You smile with your entire face, almost closing your eyes completely.  It's pretty adorable.  Your first smile for daddy was on Christmas morning, in fact. What a thoughtful gift!  :)
We are so thankful for you, sweet girl!

Love you,
Mommy and Daddy