Sunday, April 7, 2013

Our ONE year old...mommy's thoughts

So, I'm a giant goober and started tearing up as soon as I wrote the title of this post.  It's not that I don't want Collier to grow up...I do!  And I am so excited to see the man he will become.  I'm looking forward to what the future holds for our family.   I'm not mourning the lack of tiny baby-ness, (or his 2-4 month old refusing to nap for longer than 20 minutes stage) or wishing I could go back and do it all again.  I don't particularly want to go back and re-do any of the stages we have experienced over the last year--I like where we are!

It's just that it seems like it's all happening so fast.  It saddens me that life can go by this quickly--in a blink.  And it's just so easy to observe the passing of time in the many changes of a baby.  He's gone from a tiny lump to a real little person with emotions, opinions, and attitudes in a snap; so what does that mean for my life?  Is it going to be just one more blink and he's graduating?  One more and I have (gasp!) crow's feet? :)  The idea of life passing that quickly is a little scary.  Am I choosing to make each day count?  Am I doing all that I can to encourage my husband, and help grow my son in the ways I need to?  As I mentioned last month, maybe this should just me a reminder to let my days count.  To savor what each day holds.  Because it truly goes by in a hurry.

Now, on to an update on what Mr. C is doing... :)

Not exactly a glamour shot, but one of the most insanely happy moments of my entire life.  

Dear Collier,

All in one moment, I can and cannot believe that you're already one year old.  On one hand, I feel like you've always been here--always held a little piece of my heart, always a part of our little family.  On the other hand, I feel like we took the picture above this just yesterday.  One thing I can say for certain is that you have added so much life to our home, so much fun to our days, and I cannot wait to see what the rest of your years hold!

Our family at Collier's birthday party

At your one year check-up, you weighed 22 lbs, 3 ounces (50th percentile), and were 31 inches tall (90th percentile).  You are rocking your six teeth, and eating everything in sight--berries, cheese, and yogurt being favorites.  You're getting better at communicating with us too.  You can say "dog" (sounds like duh, but you pat Avery when you say it), "book", "ball", "balloon", "mama", "dada", "bye-bye", and probably more that I can't think of right now :).  You also shake your head "no" very emphatically when you don't want something (and close your eyes, like maybe we will stop trying to make you eat the peas if you can't see them).  You started taking a few brave steps here and there around your first birthday, and walked for the first time (about 10 steps) on April 2nd.  You're turning into such a big boy!

Checking out your birthday present!

You still love bath time, and playing outside now that the weather is warmer.  You loooove balloons, and balls, books, and toys that make music.  You do well playing alone (which is kind of nice for mom and dad sometimes), but always like to have us to climb on while you're playing.  You are starting to really like playing "like a boy"--climbing, flipping, chasing--and you always seem to manage to find a stick if we are outside.  Daddy likes sticks, too, so it must be genetic. :)

On a hike with Avery and Dad (you found a stick and carried it around for awhile)

What can I get into next?

I'm also very proud to say that we made it past your first birthday nursing.  It was challenging at times, and once I went back to work we supplemented with formula quite a bit, but I'm proud of us!  It has been so special to have that time with you, little bug, when we can cuddle up in a chair together and you're not wanting to be down playing or reading or something.  I am thrilled to have been able to provide what you've needed for your first year.  But, now you're turning into a big boy, and so we're weaning, one nursing session at a time.  We dropped the morning-time nursing the week of your first birthday, and we'll drop the bed-time one sometime in the next week or so.  It's bittersweet for mama--and you too.

Mama's sweet boy

Oh, sweet boy...Daddy and I don't have the words to say how much we love you.  What you've added to our lives cannot be summed up with letters, or quantified with numbers.  You are a bright spot I didn't know we were missing.  Joy beyond what I knew existed.  You are our love, personified.  I can't thank God enough for trusting us to be your parents, and I hope we make Him proud with the little man you'll become.

Love you,

Mommy and Daddy

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