Monday, April 30, 2012

Wonderful Weekend

Since I'm at home, I look forward to the weekend even more than I did before Collier was born. It's time for us to hang out as a family, for Collier to play with his dad, and for me to have an extra set of hands so I can shower when I want to! :)

This weekend was great....

Dinner on the back porch (outdoor dining is one of Chris' favorite pastimes)

Sleeping in followed by breakfast in bed

New makeup (gotta look good for my guys!)

A dinner at church (we got to eat a whole meal while other people were on baby duty)

Red Box date night (The Big Year--not as hilarious as you think Steve Martin, Jack Black, and Owen Wilson would be, but still entertaining)

Family Reunion at my Grandparent's house (TWO potluck meals in two days...I'm in southern high-cholesterol heaven)

Seeing an old friend (Sarah, who introduced Chris and I on our first day at UT...Collier would t be here without her!!)

Next weekend will be even better as we'll be celebrating Chris turning 28!! :)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Collier is One Month Old! (Seriously?!?!)

It's amazing how much can change in the course of a month.  One month (and 34 hours-ish) ago, I was a different person.  I weighed about 35 pounds more, couldn't see my feet, had endless heartburn....and had no idea what love really was.  Over the course of Collier's first month, God has shown me what true, sacrificial love really looks like.  He has opened my eyes to a new depths of love for my husband, and made me realize what a gift I have in him.  He's given me more respect for my parents, and how they must feel about me.  He's given me a new found appreciation for what my body is capable of, and how important it is that I take care of it.  Collier has only been in my arms for one sweet month...31 days...but God has used him to forever change me.

One Month Old
April 23, 2012
10 pounds, 22.5 inches
size 1 diapers, size 0-3 month clothes

Sweet baby boy...

Daddy and I cannot believe that you are already a whole month old!  These past four weeks have flown by, as we have gotten to know you: your sweet gurgles, impatient cries, and  sleepy grunts.  Thanks so much for letting us be your parents, and for being forgiving when we aren't quite sure what we're doing.  Each day, a little more of your sweet personality is showing.  You are still pretty laid back, and don't fuss much at all.  Your favorite time to get upset is when daddy and I are sitting down to eat.  We think you just don't want to be left out.  You are eating every 3 hours or so, day and night, and seem to go from zero-to-starving in 0.2 seconds.  You enjoy playing with your gym, being outside, and cuddling with mom or dad (or anyone else, for that matter).  You love to be close to us, and really dislike being alone.  This can be an especially big problem in the car, but is fixed by holding your sweet hand and talking in your ear.  You love to stretch out when you sleep, arching your back and pursing your lips--its pretty cute.  Also, we can tell that you are thisclose to giving us a real smile, and are super excited for that.

Some highlights of the past week were--

Mimi was still visiting.
She stayed for a total of 10 days, and loved on you lots!  
She also babysat while mommy and daddy had a dinner date.  Yay!

We celebrated Gram's birthday at our house

Got to meet GG for the first time.  You are her 17th (!!!)  great-grandchild!
She said, "It's funny, I've met him once, and love him so much!"

Your cousins Eli, Brady, and Callie got to hold you for the first time at Gram's birthday party.
They were very sweet with you.

We also got to meet Davis Walker!  He was born 16 days after you, on April 9th.
Leslie, Davis' mom was my college roommate, sorority sister, and bridesmaid.  It's only fitting that we would become mommies together too.  (P.S.  We'd done a baby switch in this pic...I'm holding sweet Davis, Leslie is holding Collier)

Having some man-time.
Chris and Dusty, Davis' dad are also fraternity brothers.  So, Davis and Collier really are cousins! :)
Reading with Daddy

Look how alert you are!
Dancing in the kitchen with Mommy.  You love some John Mayer. 
Mommy making silly faces to try and get that first smile...look how close you are! :)
In the car.  About 10 seconds before I took this picture, you were screaming your head off.  Once I climbed over the seat (which I'm sure is safer than hearing your newborn screaming as you  drive down the interstate) to hold your hand and talk to you, you were perfectly fine.  I think it means you love me.   The feeling's mutual. 

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Three Weeks Old

Sweet baby boy...I can't believe you are already three weeks old!  We can already see little changes in you.  Your eyes are getting lighter, like your daddy's.  Your hair is getting lighter, like your mommy's.  You are getting stronger, and love to stretch out your little neck to look at things.  You especially like looking out the window or at the ceiling fan or at our faces.  We are learning that you don't want to have your arms swaddled while you sleep; you'd rather have them up by your face.  You are also showing some signs of growing out of that "newborn" stage:  you're awake more now, and have lost your umbilical cord stump thingy.  Your aunt Kathryn was quick to remind me that this was the last bit leftover from when you were in my belly (thanks, Kath :).
Hi everyone! 

We had a great week this week.  We went for your first little road Murfreesboro to do some shopping.  You took the opportunity to have your first blow out in the car, and daddy had to go buy you a new outfit while I fed you (in your diaper only) in the car.  It was quite the experience!  On Sunday, we celebrated Easter, and then you watched the Master's with daddy.  He's been looking forward to watching it with you since we found out that you were coming.  He can't wait until you two can play golf together.
You liked snuggling just as much as watching the actual golf. 
On Tuesday afternoon, your Great Grandparents and Aunt Barbara came to meet you.  You're my grandparents' first great-grandchild, and boy were they excited!
We always knew they were great, but now it's official 
Aunt Barbara (now GREAT Aunt Barbara)
On Wednesday, you had a long-awaited visit from your Mimi!  She's been so looking forward to meeting you, and I had to send her a picture every day from the time you were born until she could get here to squeeze you in person. 

Collier and Mimi
Playing on your new quilt that Mimi made just for you!

Collier's First Easter

Happy Easter, everyone!

Collier was three weeks old on his first Easter, and we had a pretty low key day.  We went to church (let me tell you, making it to our 8:30 church service with all three of us dressed and fed is a major accomplishment--way to go Cowan family!) and Sunday school.  Then my dad and stepmom, Collier's Grandpa and Nana, came over for lunch.  We vegged out at watched the final round of the Master's and took naps.  All in all, a great day!  

But this year, Easter brought about some different thoughts and feelings for me.  Of course, both Chris and I have always known that Easter is a reason to celebrate our risen Savior, and we know how important it is that we explain this meaning to Collier.  But this year, the gravity of the sacrifice that our Father made for us in sending his son to die for my sins hit a little closer to home.  Our Sunday school teacher read us a selection from one of her favorite authors, Rev. Claypool.  It focused on the true miracle of mercy that Easter is.  The cliffs notes of this reading: Imagine sending your son, your only, precious son, to a group of people to help them.  Then imagine standing by as they persecute, beat, torture, mock, and kill him.  Then (this is the miraculous part), imagine sending your son BACK to these people again, in order to forgive their sins.  That's the resurrection.

This reading knocked me to my knees.  My own son is only three weeks old, and he is so precious to me.  I already can't imagine life without him.  Not that I'm comparing my son to THE Son, but I can tell already that the love of a parent is deep.  Imagining the sacrifice, and then the following mercy, that God the Father showed to us in the resurrection is just too much for me to handle.  The depth of love and mercy and grace that is shown to me, a sinner, in the resurrection is so humbling, and something I saw in a whole new light this year.  Here's hoping that you know this love--it can change your life.  

Now for some cuteness...

Collier had a visit from the Easter bunny!  He got books and toys.  Look how excited he is!
Close up of some serious preciousness :)
We thought it might be cute if we put him in his Easter basket.  Collier did not think it was cute at all. 

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Two Weeks Old

This week marked Collier's official due date--April 5th. How strange to think that he wasn't really "supposed" to be here yet, when I can't even imagine life without him!

Collier, my sweet little are two weeks old! You spend your time doing exactly what you are supposed to do: eating, sleeping, and making dirty diapers (Thanks for those, by the way :). At your two week check-up, you measured 8 pounds, 5 ounces, and 20 and 3/4 inches long. It is so reassuring to know that you're growing like you're supposed to--it tells Daddy and I that we must be doing an alright job.  You're a big fan of eating, falling asleep on Mom or Dad, and your giraffe noise machine.  We call him the magic twiga (Swahili for giraffe) because he puts you right to sleep. You don't care for bathtime, burping, or being too hot.  You're still a laid back little guy, but you don't hesitate to let us know when you're uncomfortable. You do not like to be left alone when you're awake, and much prefer to be held and talked to.  You love to stretch out, and make adorable little pouty faces while you're sleeping.  Of course, your mom can't help but kiss those sweet lips.

Some highlights of this week were...

A visit from Leslie and Dusty on Saturday.  They will be having baby W any day now, and he or she was so excited to meet you that he kicked you through Leslie's belly!  As a side note, you peed in my hair while they were visiting.  Way to give them a taste of what they're in for! :)

What great friends!  So excited for Baby W to be here!

Your first trip to church, on Palm Sunday. Everyone loved you!

Taking your newborn pictures with my friend Candice (see her work here--awesome!). You did so well (sleeping through every silly bowl and basket we put you in), and the photos are going to be so sweet! I'm so excited to document this time in your life.

Having your very first bottles--you handled them like a champ! Also, Daddy was so excited to get to feed you.  Mom was pretty excited to have a bit of a break.

Way to go Dad!
Meeting new friends, which included two sets of twins! Colton and Aiden, who are one week younger than you, and Mac and Paisley, who are 7 months older. You slept through both introductions. :)

From left to right: Colton, Collier, and Aiden. 

Paisley, Collier, and Mac 

It's only been two weeks, but it's already getting harder to remember what life was like before you came along, or how we filled our days. They sure are full now!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Lessons from a Newborn

I have been told by other (more experienced) parents that your kids teach you much more than you teach them. Well, Collier has been in our lives for 11 days now, and already he's teaching us things. Here are a few highlights from Collier's Life Lessons this week:

1. Nothing else really matters if you are hungry.

2. Being naked is no fun.

3. Mom is a really good singer.

4. Burping during a meal is a complement to the chef.

5. A clean diaper just begs for a good poop.

6. Daddy's lap is the best place to be.