Saturday, April 7, 2012

Two Weeks Old

This week marked Collier's official due date--April 5th. How strange to think that he wasn't really "supposed" to be here yet, when I can't even imagine life without him!

Collier, my sweet little are two weeks old! You spend your time doing exactly what you are supposed to do: eating, sleeping, and making dirty diapers (Thanks for those, by the way :). At your two week check-up, you measured 8 pounds, 5 ounces, and 20 and 3/4 inches long. It is so reassuring to know that you're growing like you're supposed to--it tells Daddy and I that we must be doing an alright job.  You're a big fan of eating, falling asleep on Mom or Dad, and your giraffe noise machine.  We call him the magic twiga (Swahili for giraffe) because he puts you right to sleep. You don't care for bathtime, burping, or being too hot.  You're still a laid back little guy, but you don't hesitate to let us know when you're uncomfortable. You do not like to be left alone when you're awake, and much prefer to be held and talked to.  You love to stretch out, and make adorable little pouty faces while you're sleeping.  Of course, your mom can't help but kiss those sweet lips.

Some highlights of this week were...

A visit from Leslie and Dusty on Saturday.  They will be having baby W any day now, and he or she was so excited to meet you that he kicked you through Leslie's belly!  As a side note, you peed in my hair while they were visiting.  Way to give them a taste of what they're in for! :)

What great friends!  So excited for Baby W to be here!

Your first trip to church, on Palm Sunday. Everyone loved you!

Taking your newborn pictures with my friend Candice (see her work here--awesome!). You did so well (sleeping through every silly bowl and basket we put you in), and the photos are going to be so sweet! I'm so excited to document this time in your life.

Having your very first bottles--you handled them like a champ! Also, Daddy was so excited to get to feed you.  Mom was pretty excited to have a bit of a break.

Way to go Dad!
Meeting new friends, which included two sets of twins! Colton and Aiden, who are one week younger than you, and Mac and Paisley, who are 7 months older. You slept through both introductions. :)

From left to right: Colton, Collier, and Aiden. 

Paisley, Collier, and Mac 

It's only been two weeks, but it's already getting harder to remember what life was like before you came along, or how we filled our days. They sure are full now!

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