Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Collier is One Month Old! (Seriously?!?!)

It's amazing how much can change in the course of a month.  One month (and 34 hours-ish) ago, I was a different person.  I weighed about 35 pounds more, couldn't see my feet, had endless heartburn....and had no idea what love really was.  Over the course of Collier's first month, God has shown me what true, sacrificial love really looks like.  He has opened my eyes to a new depths of love for my husband, and made me realize what a gift I have in him.  He's given me more respect for my parents, and how they must feel about me.  He's given me a new found appreciation for what my body is capable of, and how important it is that I take care of it.  Collier has only been in my arms for one sweet month...31 days...but God has used him to forever change me.

One Month Old
April 23, 2012
10 pounds, 22.5 inches
size 1 diapers, size 0-3 month clothes

Sweet baby boy...

Daddy and I cannot believe that you are already a whole month old!  These past four weeks have flown by, as we have gotten to know you: your sweet gurgles, impatient cries, and  sleepy grunts.  Thanks so much for letting us be your parents, and for being forgiving when we aren't quite sure what we're doing.  Each day, a little more of your sweet personality is showing.  You are still pretty laid back, and don't fuss much at all.  Your favorite time to get upset is when daddy and I are sitting down to eat.  We think you just don't want to be left out.  You are eating every 3 hours or so, day and night, and seem to go from zero-to-starving in 0.2 seconds.  You enjoy playing with your gym, being outside, and cuddling with mom or dad (or anyone else, for that matter).  You love to be close to us, and really dislike being alone.  This can be an especially big problem in the car, but is fixed by holding your sweet hand and talking in your ear.  You love to stretch out when you sleep, arching your back and pursing your lips--its pretty cute.  Also, we can tell that you are thisclose to giving us a real smile, and are super excited for that.

Some highlights of the past week were--

Mimi was still visiting.
She stayed for a total of 10 days, and loved on you lots!  
She also babysat while mommy and daddy had a dinner date.  Yay!

We celebrated Gram's birthday at our house

Got to meet GG for the first time.  You are her 17th (!!!)  great-grandchild!
She said, "It's funny, I've met him once, and love him so much!"

Your cousins Eli, Brady, and Callie got to hold you for the first time at Gram's birthday party.
They were very sweet with you.

We also got to meet Davis Walker!  He was born 16 days after you, on April 9th.
Leslie, Davis' mom was my college roommate, sorority sister, and bridesmaid.  It's only fitting that we would become mommies together too.  (P.S.  We'd done a baby switch in this pic...I'm holding sweet Davis, Leslie is holding Collier)

Having some man-time.
Chris and Dusty, Davis' dad are also fraternity brothers.  So, Davis and Collier really are cousins! :)
Reading with Daddy

Look how alert you are!
Dancing in the kitchen with Mommy.  You love some John Mayer. 
Mommy making silly faces to try and get that first smile...look how close you are! :)
In the car.  About 10 seconds before I took this picture, you were screaming your head off.  Once I climbed over the seat (which I'm sure is safer than hearing your newborn screaming as you  drive down the interstate) to hold your hand and talk to you, you were perfectly fine.  I think it means you love me.   The feeling's mutual. 

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