Friday, November 1, 2013

Collier at 18 months

Happy 1 1/2 Birthday! 


You're actually just over 19 months old now--officially a toddler, no longer a baby.  What a bittersweet time!  I love seeing you grow (you're up to 23 lbs, 33 inches--tall and thin, still) and learn new things (more words than we can count!), but it's a little sad to watch you lose so much of your "baby-ness".  That being said, I cant tell you what a pleasure it is to see the little boy you're growing into.  We are noticing as you grow that you have a very sweet and tender heart--you're always gentle with animals and smaller kids, are easily upset when someone else gets hurt, and are concerned about others' well-being.  It is my prayer that God will use this gentle heart and loving spirit to do great things. Just seek His way, sweet boy...

As we passed your half-birthday, there were several "big" things I wanted to be sure I remembered about you; that I wanted to cement in my mind as a picture of Collier at 18 months old:

Says "hold you" when he wants to be picked up

Prays for "tooper" every night (Cooper)

Reminds us to say the blessing (and sneaks bites during it)

Asks for "be-ah" hugs (bear)

Likes tv a little too much

Grumpy when he's hungry (like dad)

Knows more animals names than a zookeeper

Still loves books--faves are Grover, Goodnight Gorilla, Dog book, any book with a song

Asks for "Baby Mine" and pats on the back at bedtime.  Wants to rock with mommy or daddy.

Loves to water the plants outside. (And himself)

Happiest when outside....loves dirt and rocks and grass rocks and mulch and rocks

Says everything is blue when asked what color it is

Gets really concerned about whether his food is hot "ees hhhhot?" "Ees warm?"...

Loves babies, especially baby Russ

Is exceptionally gentle with babies and animals--loves all animals especially dogs

Had to start time out--sits on a stair for 1 minute and cries pitifully.  Then gives hugs and kisses when we get him up.

Getting quite the sweet tooth...loves cookies and vanilla wafers and asks for them at random times

Likes to race--says "set-go!" before he runs 

Sweet boy, you bring endless joy (and occasional frustration, to be honest--you're quite opinionated) to our days.  We are thankful everyday that God chose us to be your parents, and pray that He gives us the grace to raise you in His way.

Love, Mommy and Daddy

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