Saturday, November 10, 2012

7th Months Old!

Better late than never I guess!  Trying to get caught up...


You're over halfway to your first birthday!  Can you believe it?  Over the past month you have continued to grow and learn new things at an alarming rate.  Daddy and I are so proud of you, but sometimes just wish you would slow down!  We need to be intentional about making time to take it all in, and enjoy our precious baby boy.

Looking like a big dude in one of Daddy's hats

You're so proud of yourself

We visited Daddy at work over fall break.  You like that he has fun toys at work. :)

You also had your first trip to a wedding, as a guest of two of our friends.  You were thrilled, obviously. 

We also visited Grandpa and Nana to watch the Tennessee-Georgia game.  It wasn't the outcome we wanted, but you had fun with Grandpa anyway. 

This month you have mastered sitting up.  We can plop you down anywhere, and you're good.  In fact, you'd rather just sit on the floor than play in the fancy jumper toy that we bought you--a minimalist, I guess.  You've also started moving to your hands and knees from sitting, and we figure you'll be crawling around before we know it.  You can scoot and spin to get where you want to go, though, so we have to be careful to check what's around you.  You also turn to respond to your name, "sing" along when we sing, clap your hands, splash in the tub, give kisses, pet Avery, and knock over a stack of blocks.  You love to be tickled, play peek-a-boo, and when we throw you up in the air.  Your favorite toys are anything you can chew on; you also like to look at the pictures in your books, and sit very still when we read (most of the time).  You love to be outside, bathtime, and the VeggieTales CD (we frequently listen to "His Cheeseburger" on repeat in the car if you're upset or tired, because you always stop crying when we play it).

Professional Sitter-Upper

This month, we cleared out a corner of our bonus room to create a play space.  I think it's safe to say that you're enjoying it! :)

We took a trip to the park for some swinging and sliding fun.  You liked it, I think, but kept this serious look the whole time.  Trying to figure it out, I guess. 

You're still loving eating real food, and have gobbled up anything and everything--sweet potatoes, squash, green beans, peas, apples, pears, bananas, mango, zucchini, come by your love of food honestly.  I think your high chair is your favorite place to be. :)  All that food must be doing you good, because you're quite the tall little man, and are wearing 12 month clothes.  You have started to sleep a little later in the morning (Thank you!  The 5 am wake-up was not so fun for mom and dad.), sleeping over 10 hours at night without a peep.  Your bedtime is between 7:30 and 8:00, and you take two naps every day.  You still seem to like being able to predict what's next, so we keep you pretty close to your routine every day.

Little bug, Daddy and I are loving this stage you are in!  You are so much fun, and we love how interactive you've become.  We are excited to see what's next for you--just don't get too big too fast, ok?

Mommy and Daddy

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