Thursday, August 30, 2012

Retro-blogging: Collier is 5 Months Old!!

5 Months Old
August 23, 2012
Our sweet Collier-Bug,

What a busy month we have had!  With mommy returning to work, you starting with the babysitter, and getting used to this new normal, this month has flown by even faster than the previous four.  You have done remarkably well with all the changes, though, continuing to grow and learn new things all the time.  You're getting more difficult to get good pictures of, because you are so busy wiggling around.  Here are a few of us trying to get your 5-month shot.

Maybe I need to eat my chair...

Sneak attack from Avery!

You don't mind her kisses

There's that sweet smile!
You've had a month of so many transitions and new things, and you've adjusted so well!  You love your babysitter, Mrs. Ryan--you smile at her every morning when daddy drops you off.  You love to play with the other babies Jayden, Ethan, and Olivia, and laugh at the older babies.  You take your bottles so well (eating 7 ounces at a time) and nap well for her too (thanks for that, by the way--I tried to get you to nap for the entire 4 months we were home together, and you were having none of it!).  You are on a pretty well-defined schedule too.  You wake up at 7:00 in the morning, take three naps (8:30, 1:00, and 5:30), and go to bed between 7:30 and 8:00.  You seem much happier when you know what to expect during your day;  you seem to like a bit of structure in your day.  This month, you also had your first "real" food (rice cereal), and your baptism. What a blessed day!

I think you kind of like your daddy... :)

You got a new jumperoo this month--and you love it!

You also had a visit from Mimi for your baptism

You're continuing to develop new talents.  This month you can roll both directions (but you're better at going from your back to your belly), wiggle all over the place, reach and grab toys from in front of you, and pull everything to your mouth.  You're now sleeping on your tummy, and we've had some nighttime sleep issues this month (the 4-month regression, the books call it).  You've been waking up 2/3 times a night, every night, for the past month.  Maybe it's teething, or getting used to not having mommy at home all day, but you need extra midnight cuddles.  It's alright with us, but our bedtime has gotten much earlier to compensate!

You finally, officially, like bath time!  Hurray! :)

...and you like the cuddle-time after bath too .

This is your new sleep position--bottom always in the air.

Your personality continues to develop more and more--still the quiet observer, you seem curious about everything around you.  You sometimes get overwhelmed by new situations and people, and definitely prefer to be with mom or dad.  You're clearly excited when you see us, which is totally awesome :).  You love songs and books--your favorite song is "The Unicorn Song" by Shannon Tanner. You always get quiet when we sing it, and smile really big--precious boy.  You are ticklish all over, and laugh when we blow raspberries on your tummy.

You look right at the pictures whenever we read to you.  Obviously this means you're brilliant! :)

Daddy loves that he gets to teach you all about Tennessee football soon!

You add so much to our lives, sweet boy.  The busy-ness that comes with you being here is so full and complete--we can't imagine our lives without you.


Mommy and Daddy

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