Friday, December 14, 2012

Walkers' Weekend!

Have I mentioned that we are beyond blessed?  We have such amazing family and friends, that it sometimes blows my mind!  We were reminded of this a few weeks ago (the first weekend in November) with a wonderful visit from some of our best friends, Dusty, Leslie, and Davis Walker.  We went to college with Leslie and Dusty (Dusty and Chris are fraternity brothers, Leslie and I are sorority sisters), and we got married and had babies within weeks of each other.  They are seriously some of my favorite people ever--true genuine friends, super fun to hang out with, ridiculously funny, and they share our love for coffee and lazy mornings.  In addition to being awesome friends, these two are crazy talented photographers.  So, we worked in a visit with a family photo shoot; our first since Collier was a newborn.  Leslie did an amazing job of capturing some memories with our sweet family, and we had a great time!

We are totally those people who put their babies in the tub together.  :)  They had an awesome time!

Just one of the awesome shots Leslie crazy is this cotton?


  1. awww I haven't read your blog in months! I love the shout out :) We had so much fun that weekend and must do it again soon please! Love you Cowans!
