Saturday, March 31, 2012

Collier's First Week

Happy One Week, Collier!

Our baby boy is officially one week old!  I think this has been both the longest and shortest week of my entire life.  I'd like to use this post as a little memento for Collier, and to help us remember life now, because I know it will keep changing faster than we can keep up!

One Week Old:  March 30, 2012

In one short week you have absolutely turned our lives upside down in the best way we could imagine.  We are loving learning all about your favorite things.  You love to eat (and are ready to about every 2-3 hours), and sleep on mom or dad.  You get VERY relaxed right after you eat.

Finished eating--cue the milk coma
When you're awake (which is usually only about an hour at a time), you love to take in your surroundings, and don't want to sit all by yourself.  You like your Sophie the Giraffe toy, and your Wubbanub rhino.

Loving on your wubbanub.  Thanks, Morgan! :)

Taking in the sights under your play gym

You sleep really well in your rock n' play seat, but don't like to lay alone in your crib or pack and play--we think they feel too big for our little guy.  At night, you'll sleep anywhere from 2 to 4 hours at a time, and you settle down after waking up to eat fairly well--snuggles from dad really help you settle back down to sleep.  You are so relaxed, and only really cry when you are hungry or naked.  We love that our voices calm you down when you are upset, and that you seem very content when you're close to us.  You're teaching us a lot about what it really means to trust in others--you trust us with your whole self, and we feel honored to be the people that God chose to take care of you!

Collier and Daddy

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