Saturday, March 3, 2012

Week 34--Getting closer!!!

This week began with a trip to our high risk doc to check on baby C. He's doing great, but no news on his size; they only do growth scans every 3 weeks. I'm doing well managing my blood sugar, but starting to experience some swelling--no doubt aggravated by my job requirements. I've never been able to sit still while teaching, much less sit at my desk with my feet up! See the pic below of my ever-growing belly. :)

A big highlight of this week was celebrating our anniversary--4 years! We just had a low key evening (dinner date, with dessert...delicious at the time, guilt trip later) and hung out alone together for what may be the last time in awhile. I spent a lot of this week reflecting on the gift that God has given me in Chris. He really knew what he was doing! We are just enough alike to really enjoy being together, and just enough different to balance each other's faults. I've always struggled with anxiety and over-thinking things, and laid-back Chris is my perfect counter-balance.

Also, I've seen God work in our little family over the past four years, knotting us together in a way that only He could. One of the readings at our wedding was Ecclesiastes 4:9-12. "Two are better than one, for they help each other succeed...(12) but three is even better, for a cord of three strands isn't easily broken." This verse has been my prayer for our marriage--that we would become a cord of three strands, with God holding us together. I truly feel that this is where we are now. I've seen God work in Chris over the past 10 years (yep...we met 10 years ago--crazy!) and turn him into an amazing man, loyal and sacrificial and dedicated like I've never seen. And it makes me want to be better to him. I am so excited to know that Collier will learn how to be a husband and father from such a great man. I know that maintaining a marriage requires a daily effort, and we don't always do it perfectly, but inviting God to be a part of our relationship has made a HUGE difference.

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