Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Week 36: Its almost go-time!

We are definitely rounding third, on our way to home with this pregnancy!  We started our 36th week with a new growth scan on our big guy.  On Monday, Collier measured 7 lbs 9 oz (wowza!  I had the ultrasound tech re-measure him three times to be sure.  Surely she had to be kidding--that's the average size of a newborn, and I still have 3.5 weeks until my due date!).  Thankfully, he also looked very healthy, moving around plenty within his cramped quarters, and taking "practice breaths" of fluid. 

After consulting with both the high-risk doc, and my regular OB, we've decided that Collier's "d-day" will be no later than Friday, March 23rd.  In the meantime, I am to do everything I can to hurry myself into labor naturally.  That includes soliciting prayers from you!  Please be in prayer that labor will start sometime in the next week (by the way...totally freaked me out to type that sentence.)  After all, we are told to boldly come to the throne of God with our requests:

"And we are confident that he hears us whenever we ask for anything that pleases him.  And since we know He hears us when we make our requests, we also know that He will give us what we ask for." 
I John 5:14-15
I am confident that God hears us, and I know that He is with us in a very real way right now.  Facing delivery sometime within the next 10 days leads to more emotions than I can describe:  excitement, relief, fear, and (although it comes and goes) peace with whatever is to come.  While I can't accurately put into words what my current emotions are, I think that my most recent Google searches sum up how I'm feeling:

1. "pressure points to induce labor":  Luckily, I'm married to a guy who knows how to work these pressure points. 

2.  "foods to induce labor":  On the menu for this weekend:  Eggplant Parmesean from Scalinis in Atlanta, GA.  They post their recipe online, which also has hundreds of testimonials from new parents who went into labor within 36 hours of eating the eggplant parm.  www.scalinis.com/eggplantparmigiana

3.  "risks of c sections":  No real surprise...doesn't sound fun.  However, the possibility of needing one does increase the larger Collier gets.

4. "carbohydrate content of sonic blast"":  Answer: way too many.  Enough, in fact, to satisfy my carbohydrate allotment for dinner and TWO snacks.  Guess I'll wait until after Collier is born for this one.

5.  "shoulder dystocia":  Seriously scary situation that the high-risk doc mentioned that we "definitely want to avoid", when the baby's shoulders don't fit through the birth canal, but the head does.  Naturally, I immediately looked it up after leaving the office (bad idea....ignorance really is bliss), and was terrified.  Rest assured that it's really rare.

In the midst of all of the uncertainty, laundry, speculation, and bathroom breaks that come with this point in our journey, Chris and I do feel a peace about Collier's upcoming birth.  We know that the course of action has already been ordained, and that our doctors are wise and knowledgeable.  We're ready for wherever this road leads us, and are so thankful that you're joining in! :)

- Adrianne

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