Thursday, June 14, 2012

Thankful Thursday!

Look!  We made it!
 Today was day 1 of "nap training" (read: me being a schedule nazi) and all in all, I think it was a success.  Collier took two great naps, one so-so nap, and one terrible nap.  But, we stuck to our plan, and he was definitely a much happier boy after the better naps.  So, for that, I'm thankful.  I'm super thankful that Chris got to take an extra-long lunch and help me endure one of the "cry it out" sessions (it only lasted like 5 minutes, but it would have felt like 5 years alone).  I'm also thankful for the overflowing support from my mommy-friends today who called/texted/commented to let me know that our family was on their minds.  And of course, I'm uber-thankful for the Sonic Blast that Chris brought me after putting the bug to bed to celebrate our successes.  Worth every last calorie.

The "Hey Batter Batter" Blast with BOTH cookie dough and brownie batter chunks.  It comes in this mini-size so that you don't feel too badly about having it once (or twice) a week.  Go ahead, get one now.

1 comment:

  1. good job, friend!! i love your picture with Coll! love you guys!
