Thursday, February 2, 2012

Blessings in Disguise

If we're looking carefully, we can usually find bright spots in most any situation. At the risk of quoting Garth Brooks' "Unanswered Prayers"...I wanted to follow up our last post with a few of the good things about our new situation with gestational diabetes. I think it always helps to try and find the good in situations. So, here's a "Top 10" of surprise blessings!!

10. We can already see chubby cheeks on Collier's ultrasounds. I love chunky babies! They're so squeezable!!!

9. I "have to" eat more often. Darn.

8. I got to read a bunch of science-y articles about diabetes. It was awesome! I'm such a dork.

7. I'm trying new recipes! Will share the good ones. (on tap for this weekend--chocolate muffins that have spinach in them)

6. At a time when stuffing my face would be really easy, I'm forced to make smart food choices. I'm sure that I'll be thankful for that after the little man gets here.

5. Hershey's kisses only have 2 carbs. Score!

4. Checking my blood sugar lets me know that I AM managing my glucose levels well. Plus, my glucometer is cute and pink--it looks like a little mp3 player.

3. We now get lots of extra ultrasounds, from both our regular doctor and our high-risk doctor. I don't think I could ever get tired of seeing our little guy on those wavy black and white screen. It's so cool to see what's going on in there! (side note--during the last one, Collier covered his face with his arm, like "No more pictures, please.". So cute!)

2. Chris has been making me yummy breakfasts. Bacon and eggs anyone? They're carb free! (Have I mentioned that he's pretty great? Cause he is. See photo of Mr. Wonderful in action below.)

1. I've had about a zillion reminders about how loved we are--notes of encouragement, sweet Facebook posts and texts. Y'all are awesome! (I already knew that, though)

1 comment:

  1. I love you, Aid!! It's always an encouragement to see the blessings in disguise... because I feel like that is how God works more often than not! Can't wait to meet little Cowan!
