Wednesday, May 30, 2012

2 Months Old

2 Months Old
May 23, 2012

Our little Collier-bug,

You're two months old now, and it seems like our lives are smoothing out a bit from the crazy unpredictability of newborn-ness, as you settle into a routine.  It feels like both yesterday and a hundred years ago that we brought you home, and we can't imagine our lives without you now.

You had your two-month checkup on May 24th, and are such a healthy boy!  You're meeting all of your milestones, and growing just like you're supposed to.  You weighed 11 lbs, 13 ounces, and were 24 inches long.  You also got your first set of vaccines.  Let me tell you, Mommy was SO nervous about this.  I had to take you by myself, and I dreaded the thought of you being in pain.  Sweet boy, you were such a trooper.  You only cried for a second, but still managed to break my heart a little.  Afterwards, you were kind of clingy and fussy, and I was happy to hold and rock you all afternoon.
We brought your glider into the living room, so we could spoil you after having your shots. 
Playing, showing off your little band-aids

This month, you have developed quite a few new talents.  You are smiling, cooing and talking to us more, which we love!  You sometimes make a smacking sound, and you turn toward us when we kiss your sweet chubby cheeks.  You love to have our full attention, but are also content to sit on your own (provided you are not hungry, wet, or tired).  You are starting to figure out your hands, and seem happy when they find their way to your mouth.  You're also sleeping like a champ--most nights from 9:00 pm to 5:00 am (thanks! :).  You've also discovered how to pout.  Bug, you totally know how to work that sweet sad face, and we fall for it every've got us figured out!  You like playing under your gym or just on the floor.  You like to be sung to while you're playing:  we mostly sing made-up songs about your toys or body functions, but you also like "If You're Happy and You Know It".  You still dislike bath time, and you also dislike being held lying down--you want to see what's going on!  You really dislike being tired.  When you're sleepy, nothing will do but getting you to nap.

Collier and Mommy

Having some tummy time, which you usually don't mind too much.  You usually look a little like Superman when we put you on your tummy--arching your back to look up and around. 

Talking to Daddy--you always have lots to say!

Demonstrating your new pouty every time :)
We've had some ups and downs this month...some days it seems hard to keep you happy, and some days you don't want to sleep when you are clearly tired, but don't understand why you feel badly.  But we know that you're just trying to figure out this big world, and we're so excited to watch you do just that!

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