Friday, May 18, 2012

Road Trip!

Chris and I have always been "on the go" people.  At least one weekend a month, for the entire time we've been married, I think, we've been going somewhere.  I can't remember how many times we were told, "Once the baby gets here, it's not going to be as easy to just pick up and go!".  Boy, were they right!  We went away for the weekend for the first time last weekend, on a fun trip to Chattanooga.  We had a great time, and we all enjoyed a change of pace, but preparing for a weekend road trip has changed quite a bit!  Where we used to take 10 minutes to throw some stuff in a bag, I now need 3 hours to pack...change a diaper...pack more...feed a baby...pack and repack...rock a baby.  Here's a summary of preparing for our first weekend adventure:
Several million changes of clothes, blankets, burp rags, etc.  I still managed to forget a jacket for the little man.  Whoops!

All of our feeding accessories.  Because, of course, nursing is the more "convenient" choice, and you don't need to pack formula and stuff. (Can you sense the sarcasm? :)

Our other accessories:  pack and play (which was the bane of my took an HOUR for me to figure out how to fold it up.  I'll admit, there were several "non-mommy" words that came out of my mouth), rock and play seat, sound machine, boppy...

Our stuff takes up more room now!  I also managed to forget any of the dog's stuff.  Luckily Chris' folks' dog, Jack, was willing to share some food. 

Collier is so excited!  Have we mentioned that he LOVES his car seat? :)

He's a little more chill now.  And always super precious. 

Turns out, our little adventure was fairly painless.  We spent some time with family, got to take in our nephews' baseball game, traveled to Atlanta for a concert, and had some sweet Mother's Day time (see next post).  We also left Collier with his Papa and Gram for the first time, while we went to the concert.  I'll admit, I didn't think I would be as anxious as I was leaving him...I knew he was in such great hands, but I felt like a little part of me was missing the entire time we were gone.  I'm sure that will get a little easier as time goes along, but it's just another indication of how deeply having a child changes you.  That, and the amount of junk you need to survive a weekend away. :)

1 comment:

  1. I have that same pack n play, there is NOTHING convenient about that thing! I am pretty sure Luke and I argued the whole time we were trying to put it together the first time.
